The River Improvement Fund (RIF) was set up by the river’s owners to help finance restoration work. It is ringfenced solely for the Wye and its existence is something that we should be proud of - there aren’t many rivers in England and Wales whose owners can say that they have raised over a third of a million pounds for conservation work. Contributions are collected yearly and are entirely voluntary, although the WCC strongly encourages its members to contribute.
In the past, the amount “suggested” for owner
contributions to the RIF have been calculated on the
number of salmon caught over a five year period. For
the river’s established salmon fisheries we would like to
continue with this form of calculation. For trout, grayling
and coarse fisheries, along with those salmon fisheries
without catch records, we would suggest a minimum of
£350. Any amount is welcome of course and you may want to donate more than this!
For the sake of efficiency, we ask that RIF contributions
from owners be paid directly to the Wye & Usk
Foundation. That way Gift Aid can be claimed by the
charity and tax relief on donations by you.
WCC believe that all owners should play their part in the river’s restoration.
To make a donation to RIF
or call 01874 711714
The River Improvement Fund (RIF)
• A contribution to the RIF isn’t just a donation to charity, it is an investment in a capital asset. Cleaner, healthier rivers with better fish stocks increase the value of a river’s fisheries.
• The true worth of a contribution isn’t just its face value. The Wye & Usk Foundation can use it to match fund projects, multiplying your donation by up to ten times its original amount.
• The greater the number of owners donating to the RIF, the more likely others will be encouraged to do the same. Those that have so generously contributed over the years could be discouraged from continuing if they feel other owners aren’t pulling their weight.
• We need to show Government and its agencies that we care about the river. We cannot rely on the taxpayer to carry the cost of restoration and then expect our voice to be heard over and above other groups with an interest in the Wye.
• Aligned to this, Government funding for
fisheries is diminishing. Many would argue
that they have presided over a period of
mismanagement. This is our chance to show that the river can be better managed by its owners.
• Last but not least, contributing to the RIF
enables a WCC member to become a Wye
“Conservator”. This gives you a say in how the RIF is spent and enables you to become eligible for the WCC committee and other posts of influence.